Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ahh... College is finally here!

Here is a short summery of my life at Anderson so far.
Aug 27.

Krissy and Adam!!! Yey, we finally College Freshman!
Saying good bye to Beth :(
Saying goodbye to Dan ;(

September 4, 2009 
Some of the girls in my hall.
Me and Krissy
Me and Cole.. we were super excited to start the hoedown!!
Sarah, Teleitha and Krissy! 
Kirsten and Cole
Beth and I met up one day 1/2 way between our school and went to dinner and then to Starbucks. 

FOOTBALL. Anderson vs. DePauw. 
Kirsten, Mandy and I decided to go all out!
Kirsten and Mandy!

Roomies :)

Kirsten and Cole!

Me with Adam and T-hom at the game

Since being at Anderson I have learned that I have a love for online shopping. One of my latest purchases was a new camera. So hopefully once I get it I'll start posting more.